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  • jordanbierbower16

The Beginning

I’m starting this blog to get out of a major reading slump. In the past, I’ve always loved reading. As a kid, I would take books to dinner and read with the book in my lap. I could binge-read an entire series in one weekend, I dressed up for midnight book release parties (and their film counterparts), and walked around the LA Times Festival of Books like it was my own personal Coachella. Then I went to college to be a writer, graduated and could not find a job, and gave up on ever being a writer. I told myself I’d go to grad school for a more secure career and write during my free time. Spoiler alert: I didn’t have much free time and when I did, I was so exhausted all I could do was lay on the couch in front of Netflix, which was repeatedly asking me “Are you still watching?” the question getting more and more incredulous as each episode of New Girl played for the 15th time.

My identity as a writer and a reader became a thing of the past. However, I kept buying books as a last effort to stay connected to the world I wanted so much to join. This has now resulted in me being surrounded by piles of books I have absolutely no energy to read.

Until now. (Hopefully.)

With another career change in progress, I’m thinking this is the perfect time to form new habits. With this blog, it’ll keep me accountable for reading and writing again. I’ll keep it simple so it’s easier to maintain and start with just one book I want to finish reading: "Midnight Sun" by Stephanie Meyer.

I was obsessed with the Twilight Saga in middle school and high school. (Exhibits A-C below):

As any original Twihards know, we were waiting for Midnight Sun for a while. In 2020, I ordered it as soon as I possibly could but it took me months to pick it up and start reading...annnnd I only got halfway through. But get your mushroom raviolis and raincoats ready, people! I’m diving back into Forks, Washington and will write another update within the week.

I honestly don't expect anyone to read this, but if you'd like to follow along, keep me accountable, or even join me in reading, follow me on here and on Instagram at @adaptingtolife for at least once-a-week updates.

Start Date: August 21, 2021

2021 Book Count: 0

2021 Pages Read: 0

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